Thursday, September 25, 2008

FTC Warns about Charity & ID Theft Scams Due to Hurricane Ike

Due to Hurricane Ike, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is urging consumers to be careful when making donations to help the victims of the disaster, and for victims of the disaster to beware of home repair and identity theft scams. Scam artists might take advantage of this situation by creating bogus fundraising and home repair operations or engaging in identity fraud.

For a list of precautions consumers should take when donating to charities, visit For more information on avoiding scams, visit the FTC's Hurricane Recovery Web site at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Security Breach Update

The total number of breaches in on the Identity Theft Resource Center’s 2008 breach list surpassed the final total of 446 reported in 2007, more than 4 months before the end of 2008. As of 9:30 a.m. August 22nd, the number of confirmed data breaches in 2008 stood at 449. The actual number of breaches is most likely higher, due to under-reporting and the fact that some of the breaches reported, which affect multiple businesses, are listed as single events. In the last few months, two subcontractors became examples of these “multiple” events. In one case, the customers and/or employees of at least 20 entities were affected by a breach that the ITRC reported as a single breach event.

ITRC recognizes that 449 breaches in less than a year is a small number when compared to the total number of business, governmental, health, banking and educational entities that have databases. However, for the individuals whose information has been exposed, 449 data exposure events are still too many. It should be noted that the growth in the number of breaches from year to year can no longer only be attributed to required reporting laws and media investigative work. (Full text at

In summary, the total number of breaches as of today is 503 with 30,381,211 records exposed. Is your information one of those records?

Click this article title to see the report of the breaches (pdf format).

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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Monday, September 22, 2008

New US Identity Theft Bill set for Approval

US Identity Theft Bill set for Approval
Security legislation heads to president's desk
Written by Shaun Nichols in San Francisco, 20 Sep 2008

A new identity theft bill is set to become US federal law, adding stiffer penalties and stricter definitions for identity and information theft crimes.

The Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution bill will allow victims to sue criminals for restitution from identity theft, and eliminate the $5,000 minimum damages amount previously required before unauthorised access charges could be filed.

The bill will also extend the reach of law enforcement by making it a felony to install spyware or malware on more than 10 computers...


The bill was written by Senator Patrick Leahy in 2007, but was not passed by the House of Representatives. Leahy then attached the proposal to another bill dictating the protection of former US vice presidents.

Having passed the House and Senate, the bill will now be sent to the president for final approval and signing into law....(Full text at

California has already passed a law that makes it easier to prosecute identity thieves.

State law now allows identity thieves to be tried in the victims' jurisdictions, rather than only in the places the crimes occur. (Read whole post here.)

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Monday, September 15, 2008

Guilty Plea in Largest ID Theft Case in US History

You read it right. On Friday, Damon Toey of Miami, who was one of 11 people indicted last month and charged with stealing more than 41 million credit card and debit card numbers from major retailers, pled GUILTY!

Toey helped the group hack into computer networks including the system of TJX COS. His confession included multiple counts of credit card fraud, identity theft and wire fraud.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Friday, September 12, 2008

2 Million More Victims of Id Theft?

Countrywide warns of possible identity theft
Contributor: Kerry Kavanaugh


Tarpon Springs, FL---Countrywide Financial is mailing out notices to customers telling them their personal information may have been stolen. "This morning I go and get my mail and freaked out” says Tammy Levent of Tarpon Springs. Her mortgage is financed through Countrywide.

Levent received a letter in the mail explaining her identity may have been compromised.

In the letter Countrywide says that a now former countrywide employee may have sold unauthorized personal information to a third party. "Could it be in this country, in another part of the world? You don't know where it's been sold” Levent says. She’s one of two million people getting the letter this week. (Full text at
To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Identity Theft, Parolees and Drugs

Here in California in the fine city of Visalia, it appears some parolees have found a good use for identity theft, which of course is tied to DRUGS!

I wrote an article for a Los Angeles newpaper explaining why Id Theft is so popular amongst the illegal drug trade and drug abusers. You can read it by clicking here.

Stolen-mail, identity-theft investigation yields Visalia arrests
Staff reports • September 7, 2008

Visalia Police Department officers have made four arrests over the past week involving ongoing stolen mail and identity-theft investigations:

— Sept. 2: Julie Marquez, 38, was arrested on a parole violation after police conducted a parole-violation search at 725 S. Bridge St., Visalia. Police reported that materials were found pertaining to an identity theft case which “will involve over 100 victims,” police reported.

— Sept. 3: Joseph Ortega, 43, was arrested on suspicion of grand theft, mail theft, identity-third related crimes, possession of heroin an possession of methamphetamine. The arrest came after a search at 1425 S. Central St., Visalia.

— Sept. 3: Patrick Skillian, 32, was arrested for violation of parole, and on suspicion of possession of stolen property, identity theft, possession of counterfeit U.S. currency and possession of methamphetamine for sale. The arrest took place at 612 S. Encina St., where Kimberly Johnson, 24, was also arrested on suspicion of possession of stolen property, possession of a counterfeit California driver’s license, identity theft and three outstanding warrants.

— Sept. 4: Justine Marks, 21, was arrested from a past warrant issued by Visalia Police property-crimes detectives for a past charge of burglary and identity theft. Police discovered additional property which resulted in two more counts each of suspected burglary and identity theft — and three counts of suspected possession of stolen property. (Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Certegy Settles Consumer Data Theft Lawsuits

Certegy Settles Consumer Data Theft Lawsuits

TAMPA - A federal judge has approved a settlement in two class-action lawsuits filed against a St. Petersburg check authorizing company that had more than 8.4 million consumer records stolen and sold to direct marketers.

The settlement provides for a range of credit monitoring services and reimbursement of expenses for those whose identity was stolen. The company, Certegy Check Services, is also reimbursing more than $2 million in legal expenses to the law firms involved in the cases.

William G. Sullivan, a former analyst for Certegy, was sentenced in July to four years and nine months in federal prison for stealing the records.

A federal prosecutor said at the sentencing hearing that Certegy had to spend $3.2 million to notify the 5.9 million customers whose private financial information was stolen. The victims were in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and overseas. Some customers had data stolen that was not deemed to be private financial information.

...According to a Web site set up to notify consumers about the settlement, www.datasettlement,com, it provides that all class members who had their personal or financial information stolen can get compensated up to $20,000 for certain unreimbursed identity theft losses caused by the data theft. The losses covered could occur from Aug. 24, 1998, to Dec. 31, 2010.

Consumers notified by Certegy are also eligible for credit monitoring or bank monitoring performed by Certegy, identity theft insurance, and reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses...(Full Text at Tampa Bay Online)

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

FTC Identity Theft Study: You Can Help

FTC Identity Theft Study: You Can Help

The Federal Trade Commission has announced a proposal for a consumer survey research project "to advance its understanding of the experiences of consumers who interact with consumer reporting agencies following an incident of identity theft."

Dallas, TX, August 29, 2008 --( The FTC and SPENDonLIFE need your help to fight identity theft, the fastest-growing consumer threat facing Americans today.

The Federal Trade Commission announced this week a proposal for a consumer survey research project "to advance its understanding of the experiences of consumers who interact with consumer reporting agencies following an incident of identity theft." The FTC hopes to use this information to aid in its future enforcement and education efforts.

Prior to gathering data, the FTC is seeking public comments on the proposed research, which must be filed by September 2, 2008. Written comments should refer to "Consumer Experiences with CRAs Research: FTC File No. P065405," and include this reference both in the text and on the envelope. The mailing address is:

Federal Trade Commission, Room H-135 (Annex J)
600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580.

If you are including any material for which you request confidential treatment, clearly label the document "Confidential."

If you prefer, electronic forms may be submitted at: You may also file a form through the website

All public comments will be available to the public on the FTC website, The FTC asks that any additional requests for information regarding this effort be addressed to Pavneet Singh or Anthony Rodriguez, Attorneys, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Mail Stop NJ-3158, Washington, DC 20580, or 202-326-2252.

Despite ongoing legislative efforts to combat identity theft crimes, they continue to plague America -- sapping financial resources, ravaging credit scores, and ruining the lives of innocent people. The information in this press release is brought to you by SPENDonLIFE and the FTC. The FTC is stepping up its efforts to fight ID theft, but they need your help to do it. For additional information about identity theft and your credit in general, visit

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Identity theft: Is your child at risk? 5 things you need to know

As you get ready to send your children off to school, you’ve got a lot on your mind. But did you know that in addition to worrying about healthy school lunches, soccer schedules, and back to school supplies, you should be thinking about protecting your child’s identity?

Many parents don't realize just how vulnerable their children are to identity theft. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as many as 400,000 children may already be victims of identity theft. To make matters worse, the number of complaints has increased by 78 percent over the past several years, making children the fastest growing segment of identity theft victims.

Children and teenagers are prime targets for identity thieves for a number of reasons. They typically have clean credit reports, making it easy for scammers to take out loans in their name. (Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Child Identity Theft Does Happen

Identity Theft Shield Overview