Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sex worker collared for multiple identity theft

This story from Japan, exhibits what I believe to be the most dangerous type of Identity Theft - Medical Identity Theft.

An employee of a Tokyo sex business has been arrested after he illegally obtained health insurance certificates in other people's names and used them to take out loans, police said.

Yuzo Watanabe, 34, the sex business worker from Toshima-ku, was arrested for fraud and forgery...
(Full Text at Mainichi Daily News)

Medical Identity Theft can actually kill you. If somebody uses your insurance and is tested for AIDs and positive, it could cost you a job or life insurance. But worst is if the person using your insurance has a different blood type and you are injured, unconscious and needed blood immediately and your record shows A+ but your B-.

Something to think about.

Child Identity Theft Does Happen

Identity Theft Shield Overview