Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nevada Lawmakers Coming into the 21st Century

Attention Dumpster Divers - Nevada has a smorgasbord for you - at least until January 2010!

Lawmakers discuss identity theft prevention plan

By RACHELLE GINES, Associated Press Writer

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Senate panel was urged Tuesday to support an Assembly-approved plan that would help prevent identity theft by making less credit card information available on printed receipts.

AB389 would prohibit printing more than the last five digits of credit card numbers and expiration dates on copies of customer and business receipts, Senate Judiciary Committee members were told.

Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell, D-Carson City, chief sponsor of AB389, displayed a receipt listing a complete credit card number and expiration date along with the cardholder's full name, saying the amount of information was "alarming."

"I thought this was frightening on a lot of levels," Parnell said. "As a consumer, I just might toss it in a trash can after dinner not realizing that it had all of that personal identification information on it, but what I found just as troubling was that businesses had access somewhere to that kind of information on multiple individuals."

The measure would impose a fine of $500 the first time businesses issued noncompliant receipts and an additional $1,000 each week that the situation isn't corrected.

"I think the important part of this is that we have to be firm. We can't just say we're going to fine you $100," Parnell said.

After the hearing, Parnell said that receipts that make such information readily available put large numbers of people at risk for identity theft. (Full text at

I was really surprised when I saw this story. I didn't realize that businesses still used machines that printed all the information on the receipts. I remember a few years back of seeing all the info on receipts at gas stations but that was quickly changed, at least in California.

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