Sunday, June 29, 2008

LifeLock Sued for Corporate Identity Theft

LifeLock Sued for Corporate Identity Theft
By Kim Zetter

LifeLock is in the news again.

The identity theft protection firm whose CEO lists his Social Security number in ads for the company is being sued by Namesafe, a competitor in the identity theft protection market, for allegedly stealing the company's corporate identity and deceptive trade practices.

According to papers filed in Tennessee, Namesafe claims that LifeLock stole its trademark and deceptively diverted traffic meant for Namesafe's web site to LifeLock's own web site.

...The company says that when users did a search on the word "Namesafe," sponsored ads appeared at the top of search result pages, which included a link for "Namesafe" and "" But when users clicked the link, it took them to LifeLock's web site instead. The name LifeLock appeared in the ads next to or beneath "Namesafe" and "," but Namesafe says the ads were clearly designed to fool Namesafe customers...

...This is not the first lawsuit against LifeLock. The company has been the target of class-action lawsuits from customers questioning its protection claims as well as a suit from credit reporting agency Experian for acting on consumers' behalf to place alerts on their credit accounts... (Full Text at Wired Blog Network)

Click the title of this post to see the whole story. At the end of the story are additional links regarding the co-founder of Lifelock and his resignation because if Identity Theft allegations.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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Social Security and Identity Theft

Agency Sees Theft Risk for ID Card in Medicare
by Robert Pear

WASHINGTON — Social Security officials, concerned about the risk of identity theft, are calling for immediate action to remove Social Security numbers from the Medicare cards used by millions of Americans.

But Medicare officials have resisted the proposal, saying it would be costly and impractical.

In a new report, the inspector general of Social Security, Patrick P. O’Carroll Jr., says “immediate action is needed.”

“Displaying such information on Medicare cards unnecessarily places millions of individuals at risk for identity theft,” Mr. O’Carroll said. “We do not believe a federal agency should place more value on convenience than the security of its beneficiaries’ personal information.”

...Social Security cannot prohibit the Medicare agency from using Social Security numbers, although Congress could do so. Federal officials say that more than 40 million people who are 65 and older or disabled have Medicare cards with Social Security numbers on them...

...Byron Hollis, director of the antifraud department at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, said, “Medical identity theft is the fastest-growing form of health care fraud.”...

Ms. Frizzera, the Medicare official, said that issuing new Medicare cards would be “a huge undertaking.” The agency would need three years to plan such a move and eight more years to carry it out, she said.

Medicare officials estimate that it would cost $500 million to change their computer systems if they issued new ID numbers to beneficiaries. Doctors, hospitals and other health care providers use those numbers in filing claims with Medicare, which pays a billion claims a year...

“Many individuals carry their Medicare cards in their wallets or purses and could become victims of identity theft should dishonest individuals steal such items or lift their Medicare number from a beneficiary card or medical document,” Mr. O’Carroll said.

Other federal agencies are taking steps to remove Social Security numbers from identification cards. The Department of Veterans Affairs said that new identification cards issued to veterans generally did not display Social Security numbers.. (Full Text at NY Times)

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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Child Identity Theft Does Happen

Identity Theft Shield Overview