Bill to bolster California breach law awaits governorTo learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".September 11, 2009
A new Senate bill in California, which seeks to complement the state's trailblazing SB-1386 data breach disclosure bill, is ready for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature.
The new legislation, SB-20, builds on the 2003 bill by requiring that breach notification letters also contain specifics around the data-loss incident, including the type of personal information exposed, a description of the incident and advice on steps to take to protect oneself from identity theft. The law also would require that organizations that suffer a breach affecting 500 or more people must submit a copy of the alert letter to the state attorney general's office.
"Experience over the past half dozen years indicates that too often, the information received [in the letter] is confusing, not clarifying," state Democratic Sen. Joe Simitian, author of both bills, said this week in a news release. "SB-20 ensures that notice of a security breach will be genuinely helpful to consumers."
...The governor must sign or veto the bill by Oct. 11.
SB-1386 laid the groundwork for roughly 45 other states to pass similar laws requiring organizations that expose personal information to notify victims. (Full text at
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