1.5 million individuals affected in RBS WorldPay breach
Angela Moscaritolo
Electronic payment processing service, RBS WorldPay, last week disclosed a data breach affecting 1.5 million cardholders.
Atlanta-based RBS WorldPay processes electronic payments, such as debit, credit and ATM transactions. It also processes gift card and payroll card transactions.
An unauthorized user accessed the company's computer system, and personal information of 1.5 million gift card and payroll cardholders may have been compromised, a company spokesman told SCMagazineUS.com on Monday. Personal information of payroll cardholders – including names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers – may have been accessed....
...Since the breach, identified Nov. 10, there have been approximately 100 instances of actual fraud, where cards were used to conduct fraudulent transactions. Victims will not be held financially responsible for fraudulent withdrawals, the spokesman said.... (Full text at SCMagazine.com)
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