Monday, September 22, 2008

New US Identity Theft Bill set for Approval

US Identity Theft Bill set for Approval
Security legislation heads to president's desk
Written by Shaun Nichols in San Francisco, 20 Sep 2008

A new identity theft bill is set to become US federal law, adding stiffer penalties and stricter definitions for identity and information theft crimes.

The Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution bill will allow victims to sue criminals for restitution from identity theft, and eliminate the $5,000 minimum damages amount previously required before unauthorised access charges could be filed.

The bill will also extend the reach of law enforcement by making it a felony to install spyware or malware on more than 10 computers...


The bill was written by Senator Patrick Leahy in 2007, but was not passed by the House of Representatives. Leahy then attached the proposal to another bill dictating the protection of former US vice presidents.

Having passed the House and Senate, the bill will now be sent to the president for final approval and signing into law....(Full text at

California has already passed a law that makes it easier to prosecute identity thieves.

State law now allows identity thieves to be tried in the victims' jurisdictions, rather than only in the places the crimes occur. (Read whole post here.)

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

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