ID Theft Red Flags: 4 High Risk AreasMany business owners have the same issues as financial institutions. That is why I recommend for businesses by idBUSINESS. It is an online module that not only creates your policy but allows you to email vendors to take an assessment test as well. You will also be able to email your employees to take the online training for the Red Flags Rule.What You Might Not Know About Staying in Compliance -- and SecureAugust 13, 2009 - Linda McGlasson, Managing Editor
There are four "high risk" areas that aren't getting the attention they deserve as financial institutions work toward complying with the ID Theft Red Flags Rule, says a leading industry compliance expert. ......The Red Flags Rule is a risk-based regulation. As such, Huda says, compliance should be approached from a risk management and not a purely technical perspective, and institutions should ask these questions:
...There are four areas Huda says that are "high risk" that many financial institutions have not paid enough attention to are:
- Which accounts are more at risk to identity theft?
- Which red flags represent higher risk?
- Which detection and response procedures are commensurate with the risks?
- Which service providers pose greater risk?
- What controls exist to mitigate the risks?
- Service Providers. Many have not conducted an inventory, risk-ranking or assessment done on service providers. This may be the weakest link in the chain.
- Business accounts. Many have focused only on consumer accounts. The rule applies to any account with a reasonably foreseeable risk of identity theft, not just consumer accounts. Small business accounts in particular are susceptible to identity theft and must be analyzed for risk.
- Training. Many have not provided proper training to staff. The training does not cover what the written, board-approved program deems to be the red flags one should be on the look out for, nor what one should do to respond. The training is very general and does not cover how to comply. How can identity theft actually be prevented if one does not know what to look for and what to do if one finds a red flag?
- Updates. Many have put their program on the bookshelf, forgetting to update it to address new risks or changes in operations. For example, if a new line of business is opened, a new service provider added or new products or services are rolled out, or identity theft is attempted or perpetrated, the Program must be updated. (Full story at
Business owners can also take a free Needs Assessment at the site.
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