Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nevada Lawmakers Coming into the 21st Century

Attention Dumpster Divers - Nevada has a smorgasbord for you - at least until January 2010!

Lawmakers discuss identity theft prevention plan

By RACHELLE GINES, Associated Press Writer

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Senate panel was urged Tuesday to support an Assembly-approved plan that would help prevent identity theft by making less credit card information available on printed receipts.

AB389 would prohibit printing more than the last five digits of credit card numbers and expiration dates on copies of customer and business receipts, Senate Judiciary Committee members were told.

Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell, D-Carson City, chief sponsor of AB389, displayed a receipt listing a complete credit card number and expiration date along with the cardholder's full name, saying the amount of information was "alarming."

"I thought this was frightening on a lot of levels," Parnell said. "As a consumer, I just might toss it in a trash can after dinner not realizing that it had all of that personal identification information on it, but what I found just as troubling was that businesses had access somewhere to that kind of information on multiple individuals."

The measure would impose a fine of $500 the first time businesses issued noncompliant receipts and an additional $1,000 each week that the situation isn't corrected.

"I think the important part of this is that we have to be firm. We can't just say we're going to fine you $100," Parnell said.

After the hearing, Parnell said that receipts that make such information readily available put large numbers of people at risk for identity theft. (Full text at

I was really surprised when I saw this story. I didn't realize that businesses still used machines that printed all the information on the receipts. I remember a few years back of seeing all the info on receipts at gas stations but that was quickly changed, at least in California.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's in Your Wallet?

It never ceases to amaze me as to the "blissfull ignorance" of people when it comes to the world of identity theft. The less people know about a subject the less they fear it - that is Blissful Ignorance.

However, after educating people, either in person or at an Identity Theft Awareness Seminar, and they still don't take measures to protect themselves it turns to just plain ignorance! I guess some people think if they have their head in the sand and don't see the lion that it won't bite them in their butt.

Anyway, today I have a few articles to demonstrate that you never know who will steal your identity from your bank or your health treatment provider.

Former Federal Reserve Bank IT worker charged with ID theft
Va banker sentenced for fraud, ID theft

RICHMOND, Va. - A former bank credit card department manager has been sentenced to two years, three months in prison for bank fraud and identity theft.

U.S. Attorney Dana Boente (BEN'-tay) said Monday that 38-year-old Bernard James Brown Jr. of Saluda also was ordered to pay more than $65,000 in restitution to his former employer, Eastern Virginia Bankshares.

According to prosecutors, Brown used a stolen access device and identifying information to withdraw money from someone else's account. After the credit card account was closed, Brown reopened it under a new name and address and continued to tap the account for cash and purchases.

Brown pleaded guilty in January.

Nurse indicted in federal identity-theft case

Published: April 27, 2009

LYNCHBURG -- A nurse who worked at two assisted-living homes for seniors has been indicted on 32 charges related to identity theft of patients there.

Karen Jones, 48, was indicted last week by a federal grand jury. The indictment charges that she used information stolen from nine people to take more than $9,000. (Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Id Theft Survey

An identity theft survey conducted by Nationwide Insurance found that while recovering from identity theft has never been an easy task, the current economic conditions have made the challenge even greater.

Nearly half of respondents indicated that, if their identity were stolen today, they were unsure whether they had enough money saved to manage the recovery process. Ten percent of identity theft victims polled said they missed bill payments as a result of the crime. Of that group, four out of five experienced serious consequences-including credit score decrease, utilities shutoff, vehicle repossession, home foreclosure, bankruptcy and, in some instances, even jail time.

The survey is the third in a series conducted by Nationwide to better understand identity theft and the impact it has on its victims. The poll found that victims of identity theft tend to be Caucasian, female, ages 35-54, college educated, married and employed full-time. Individuals who are separated or divorced and those making $75,000 or more a year also have a greater vulnerability to identity theft.

In addition to the financial toll, identity theft can result in other serious repercussions-including family problems and missed time at work. It is a crime where the victim is generally presumed guilty until proven innocent.

On the positive side, the poll found nine out of 10 people are taking at least one action to protect themselves. This includes regular checks of bank and other financial statements, shredding of important documents, limiting the number of credit cards used, and credit report monitoring.

Note: The only problem with the positive side of the poll is that the action steps people are taking only offers protection in financial id theft. What about the other 4 areas of id theft? Are you protected in if id theft happens in those areas. If not, visit my shameless plug below and get protected!

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tummy Tuck = Medical Identity Theft

I'm back from Michigan after conducting 4 Identity Theft Awareness seminars and getting caught up. I saw this story and had to share it with everyone. It is another caper of a vain woman having plastic surgery courtesy of another woman.

Medical identity theft was up 400% last year. Enjoy the story.

Lauderdale Lakes woman stole ID to pay for tummy tuck, feds say
|South Florida Sun Sentinel

FORT LAUDERDALE - A Lauderdale Lakes resident stole another woman's identity to pay $5,000 for a tummy tuck operation, federal authorities say.

Patrice Thomas, 33, used a stranger's personal information to apply online for a credit card, which she used to help pay for the plastic surgery at a Weston clinic, according to criminal charges filed this month in Fort Lauderdale federal court.

Thomas, who was arrested April 9, is charged with credit card fraud, social security fraud and aggravated identity theft.

Defense lawyer Christopher Grillo could not be reached for comment. If convicted on all counts, Thomas could face more than four years in prison.... (Full text at
The huge problem with medical id theft is if the thief has your records altered. What if the thief has a different blood type than you or has a positive aids test done in your name? This could be deadly and also make you uninsurable until you can prove it wasn't you,

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nebraska has new law to help protect against Identity Theft

Legislative Bill 177, which Gov. Dave Heineman signed last week, reduces the cost for residents to lock up their personal financial data by putting security freezes on their credit information.

Security freezes require credit bureaus to seek permission before releasing a consumer's credit reports, with certain exceptions. That way, consumers know if someone was trying to use their name to open a credit card account or line of credit.

Under LB 177, the cost of getting a security freeze will be $3 per credit reporting agency, down from $15 per agency. The change will take effect 90 days after the Legislature adjourns, or in early September.

LB 177 also eliminates an automatic seven-year expiration for freezes, leaving the decision up to the consumer about when to lift or cancel a freeze.

My only concern for Nebraskans is that they don't relax because of the freeze. There is still plenty of id theft that doesn't involve their credit files, such as medical and character id theft.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caller ID Spoofing

Most people screen their telephone calls with Caller ID. We answer the calls from the people we want to speak with and avoid others based on the caller id. Don't You?

What if you saw that your bank or credit union was calling you? You would answer the call (unless you weren't paying on a loan). Then the person on the phone from the bank tells you that there was unusual activity on your credit or debit card and needs to verify your number or some other information. Most people wouldn't think twice because they were talking to someone at their bank.

Well start being more cautious about trusting that Caller ID. Why? Because of Caller ID spoofing. There are web sites that charge about $10/hr and
offer the ability to change what someone sees on their caller ID display when they receive a phone call. Simply dial the toll free number and then your PIN. You'll then be prompted to enter the destination number followed by the phone number to appear on caller ID

Any 10 digit number can be used. Not only will the number show up but also the Name registered for that number would automatically appear. And whatever number you enter as the spoof number will show up on the bill of the person you called. They won't ever see your actual phone number!

You also have the ability to change your voice to a Male or Female. If you do choose to change your voice, the person whom you call will hear your transformed voice in real-time. This spoofing service also offers the option to record your conversation, which can later be retrieved by logging-in to the control panel or calling the toll-free access number from any phone.

Is it legal? Yes, because there are some legitimate uses. For example, business professionals such as doctors can return calls using their personal telephones without disclosing phone numbers they prefer to keep private.

However, I believe most are being used in the field of Identity Theft to trick individuals into giving up private information. I received 2 calls this week regarding a credit card being suspended. When I called back the number on the caller id, it was an insurance company in Utah and they had been getting a few calls from other folks as well.

So now we never really know if mom is calling or not. Beware!

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Operation Number Games was Illegal

Larimer Judge throws out Operation Number Games
Sharon Dunn

A second judge has ruled that a search of a Greeley tax preparer’s records last October was illegal, taking the heat off more than 1,000 suspected illegal immigrants caught up in Operation Number Games.

Larimer District Court Judge James Hiatt put a stop to the identity theft investigation Monday, saying deputies from the Weld County Sheriff’s Office wrongly seized federal income tax records to pursue suspected illegal immigrants in the investigation. Hiatt ordered Weld District Attorney Ken Buck and Weld Sheriff John Cooke to return or destroy in the next seven days all evidence seized in the case.

“This is an important ruling for all of America,” said Reid Neureiter, an attorney with Jacobs, Chase, Frick, Kleinkopf and Kelly of Denver. He is working on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed for a preliminary injunction against Buck and Cooke.

“Tax records should be private, and just because you have a suspicion that someone filing taxes with a Hispanic tax preparer might be doing something wrong doesn’t give you license to seize 5,000 tax records and look for the needle in a haystack,” Neureiter said.

Buck and sheriff’s investigators based their search of Amalia’s Tax and Translation Service on one defendant who had been investigated for identity theft and said illegal immigrants throughout the community knew to file their taxes there. Deputies searched through 5,000 records and found evidence of roughly 1,330 suspected illegal immigrants filing returns with false or stolen Social Security numbers. The Internal Revenue Service requires everyone to file tax returns, regardless of citizenship. In cases where filers do not have a valid Social Security number, the IRS issues individual taxpayer identification numbers.

..The case has divided many in the community on the issue of illegal immigration and the rights of the victims of identity theft. The IRS’ policy of issuing special identification numbers to illegal immigrants points to the problems, Buck said.

“The federal government has turned a blind eye to illegal activity in this country, with its failure to enforce the law at the border, with its failure to enforce tax laws, and Social Security laws within this country,” Buck said...
What about the id theft victims now? The 1330 people who were having their social security numbers being used illegally. I guess only time will tell.

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Identity thieves got data on 3,400 employees, Irving school district says

Identity thieves got data on 3,400 employees, Irving school district says

By KATHERINE LEAL UNMUTH / The Dallas Morning News

Irving school officials now say that identity thieves obtained the names and Social Security numbers of 3,400 teachers and other employees contained in an old benefits report and then used the information to make thousands of dollars in purchases.

District security director Pat Lamb said a woman charged in the case said the information came from a list of names pulled out of a trash bin.

"We still do not know how our records were compromised," said Lamb, who mentioned that his own name was on the list. "We don't know if somebody was supposed to shred that information, but it ended up in a Dumpster."

....The victims include Cynthia Will, a former teacher who worked at the Union Bower Center teaching students with disabilities for five years. More than $25,000 in credit card charges were made in her name, including a $4,000 diamond ring from Zales.

"It was stunning the damage that was done in just seven days," she said in an emotional appeal to the Irving school board Monday night.....(Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

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the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Job Seekers Beware!

Job hunters must guard against identity theft

With unemployment soaring, identity thieves are increasingly preying on unsuspecting job seekers by stealing personal information and trying to cash in on it.

The scams run the gamut from fake help-wanted ads and job-search services to bogus resume-posting Web sites, part of a new arsenal of weapons targeting millions of recently unemployed people.

Job-search fraud is one of the fastest-growing segments of identity theft in Florida, generating thousands of complaints a year, according to the Federal Trade Commission. It fielded more than 2,400 such complaints from Florida in 2008, up nearly 40 percent from 2007.

Overall, Florida posted the highest number of identity-theft complaints on record in 2008 (24,400), up nearly 44 percent in the past three years. The state ranked third in the nation, behind only California and Texas.

...Most job-search fraud appears to come through bogus help-wanted ads, which have spiked nearly fourfold in the past three years, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center,.. (Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ID Theft Victims Get Help To Avoid Wrongful Arrest

Kudos to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department for taking steps to help the victims of id theft. Perhaps all other agencies should take note.
ID Theft Victims Get Help To Avoid Wrongful Arrest
Cards Issued To ID Theft Victims

Victims of identity theft now have a new option to avoid being wrongfully arrested within Indianapolis.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has started issuing ID cards with the finger print, picture and case number of the person whose identity has been compromised, 6News' Jack Rinehart reported.

The department doesn't keep statistics concerning the number of people who wind up arrested when someone else fraudulently uses their identity, but officials said it's on the rise. (Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Monday, April 6, 2009

Medicine slams FTC over forcing physicians to police identity theft

Medicine slams FTC over forcing physicians to police identity theft
Physicians object to the broad application of the "red flag" rules and say they were not forewarned properly. Enforcement begins May 1.

By Amy Lynn Sorrel, AMNews staff. Posted April 6, 2009.

Organized medicine and the Federal Trade Commission continue to joust over the application to physicians of new identity theft prevention rules. With a May 1 compliance date just around the corner, neither party shows signs of capitulation.

The FTC regulations require a variety of business entities -- mainly financial and banking institutions -- to implement a written program for preventing identity theft as well as detecting and responding to warning signs of such incidents. The commission maintains that when physicians defer payment for services, they become creditors -- entities that regularly extend, renew or continue credit -- under the "red flag" rules.

...The commission "did not give physicians an appropriate opportunity for notice and comment on the ruling that the red flags would be applied to them," said AMA Secretary Ardis D. Hoven, MD. "The AMA is calling on FTC to re-publish its rule so that we can make the case that physicians should be excluded."...

...The FTC has no plans to extend the deadline again, said Naomi Lefkovitz, an attorney with the FTC's Division of Privacy and Identity Protection. "That said, we continue to take a view that we're looking for reasonable efforts" by doctors to comply...(Full text at
To any non-compliant Doctors out there:

We offer an Affirmative Defense Response System (ADRS) in which:
1. We provide a written policy outlining specific requirements for protecting customers and employees personal info

2. A letter that can be used when appointing an employee as security compliance officer - which is required by the GLB law.

3. A comprehensive training program which according to the FTC is one of the 1st steps to protecting NPI by conducting a mandatory meeting to educate employees about the risks/liabilities of data loss.

4. When employees complete the ADRS training, they sign the "Use of Confidential Information by Employee" form that serves as proof they've completed a mandatory training in handling NPI. This signed document demonstrates that the company is taking reasonable measures and actively working to comply with FACTA, GLB and HIPAA.
We do all the above at no direct cost to you if allowed to offer our Pre-Paid Legal services (PPL) and Identity Theft Shield to the employees as an employee benefit.
PPL spent over $1 million developing the above to assist companies in becoming compliant with all the new laws. PPL is a 36 year old NYSE company and named as one of the top 200 small businesses on the NYSE by Forbes magazine 7 times.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Red Flags Rule requires veterinarians to have identity theft prevention programs

Rule requires veterinarians to have identity theft prevention programs

Veterinarians are not exempt from a new federal rule to prevent identity theft. The Red Flags Rule, which the Federal Trade Commission will begin enforcing May 1, requires creditors to develop programs to prevent, detect, and mitigate identity theft.

The FTC proposed the Red Flags Rule in late 2007, and it took effect in 2008. The commission delayed enforcement until this year because many organizations did not consider themselves to be creditors—not in the same sense as financial institutions, which also fall under the rule. Nevertheless, the rule applies to most organizations that make arrangements to defer payment of debts, including almost all health care providers. Health care providers are creditors under the rule, for example, if they bill clients after completing medical services.

...Each organization must write, implement, and administer an ongoing program to detect warning signs and respond appropriately to prevent or mitigate identity theft after finding a red flag. Responses to warning signs could include monitoring accounts or changing account numbers.

Finally, organizations should update their programs periodically to reflect changes in identity theft risks.

The intent behind the Red Flags Rule is good, said Dr. Patricia Wohlferth-Bethke, an assistant director in the AVMA Membership and Field Services Division...(Full text at

To any vets reading this article, this is what we do for you at no direct cost to you.

We offer an Affirmative Defense Response System (ADRS) in which:
1. We provide a written policy outlining specific requirements for protecting customers and employees personal info

2. A letter that can be used when appointing an employee as security compliance officer - which is required by the GLB law.

3. A comprehensive training program which according to the FTC is one of the 1st steps to protecting NPI by conducting a mandatory meeting to educate employees about the risks/liabilities of data loss.

4. When employees complete the ADRS training, they sign the "Use of Confidential Information by Employee" form that serves as proof they've completed a mandatory training in handling NPI. This signed document demonstrates that the company is taking reasonable measures and actively working to comply with FACTA, GLB and HIPAA.

We do all the above if allowed to offer our Pre-Paid Legal services (PPL) to the employees as an employee benefit. PPL spent over $1 million developing the above to assist companies in becoming compliant with all the new laws. PPL is a 36 year old NYSE company and named as one of the top 200 small businesses on the NYSE by Forbes magazine 7 times.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

NCIS Crime Reduction Program targets identity theft

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) recently focused its crime reduction program (CRP) campaign on identity theft.

"Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in our country," said NCIS Special Agent Carrie Nelson, CRP coordinator. "This campaign is designed to highlight the protective actions individuals can take to safeguard themselves from becoming a victim."
NCIS has been working closely with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to provide the most current information on identity theft to all Sailors and Marines during this campaign. The FTC is the federal government's center for resources, information, and coordination with other agencies on identity theft issues. FTC's campaign motto in fighting identity theft is to deter, detect, and defend.

...She said service members can have particular problems with identity theft because their Social Security numbers are so closely intertwined with their identities, and Social Security numbers are often what identity thieves are looking for to open up new accounts. Deployments and being stationed overseas also put Sailors and Marines at risk.
"Considering the frequent deployments our service members experience and the amount of time spent away from home, they are at high risk for victimization," added Nelson...

...Identity theft victims need to file a police report in order to pursue their rights and start clearing their name and cleaning up credit reports. Sailors and Marines in the United States can make a report at any police department. Personnel who are deployed or stationed overseas, can file a report with base law enforcement.
Broder also advised bringing the issue to the attention of your command because it may require quite a bit of time to resolve the issues, and reporting identity theft issues to the FTC...(Full text at

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Breaches Update

As of 03/31/09, there has been 133 security breaches in the US with over 1.5 million records (that is personal information) compromised.

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

Remember, estimates are that every 2-4 seconds an Identity is compromised. Why take chances? Why not protect yourself and your loved ones with the best suite of services provided (including restoration) by the best NYSE company in the field? Educate yourself and visit the shameless plug below or call me at (909) 208-3728!

Shameless plug
the Best Identity Theft Protection available dot com

Child Identity Theft Does Happen

Identity Theft Shield Overview