Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Opt-Out from Credit Card Offers

Are you tired of having your mailbox full of credit card offers and other junk mail?

Then you can opt-out of receiving these unwanted pieces of mailbox stuffers. If you receive these credit card offers and just put them in the round file, you are taking a chance that a dumpster diver or trash can raider will get access to them and possibly request a new credit card, in your name, with a change of address. Don't round file them but SHRED THEM!

Consumers can and should elect to “opt-out” of these pre-approved offers and marketing lists sold by the credit bureaus. To “Opt-Out” of these pre-screened and pre-approved offer lists, consumers can visit the “Opt-Out” website established by the credit bureaus, or call the toll free opt-out number.

Consumers can opt-out for a period of five years, or permanently opt-out by mailing in the form that is produced during the online opt-out registration process.

  • Opt-Out Toll Free Number 1-888-5-OPTOUT
Within approximately two weeks, the consumer should receive a confirmation letter to complete and return, which confirms that he or she wishes to be permanently removed from these lists. If the consumer does not return this letter, their name will be returned to the lists.

It can generally take 60 to 90 days before the consumer will begin to see a noticeable reduction in the number of credit offers that he or she receives. However, not every prospective credit provider uses the lists offered by the credit bureaus. Consumer information is purchased and resold by thousands of companies,and consumers will still receive some offers.

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