IRS urged to improve protection against identity theft
Alexandria, VA -
Identity theft protection at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should be improved, according to a report from the Office of the National Taxpayer Advocate.
The Office was created 10 years ago through the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 and is designed to protect the rights of taxpayers.
The report said tax-related identity theft is one of the most serious problems facing taxpayers. It noted that the IRS does not have adequate procedures in place to assist victims of identity theft and does not have adequate systems in place to quantify the number of tax-related incidents of identity theft that occur.
...The report made eight recommendations, including the creation of a centralized unit to handle identity theft cases and the development of a centralized set of procedures that cuts across IRS functions.
The IRS has already taken a number of steps to improve its procedures, including developing an IRS-wide identity theft indicator, and is studying the creation of a centralized unit to assist identity theft victims...(Full text at
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