Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tips To Medicare Beneficiaries On Avoiding Identity Theft

The Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Aging Services’ GeorgiaCares SMP program is providing tips to Medicare beneficiaries on protecting themselves against identity theft and Medicare fraud...

Beneficiaries should practice the following tips:

* Never use your Social Security or Medicare numbers as a form of ID.

* If your Social Security number is listed on your driver’s license, have it removed.

* Be cautious about giving out personal information over the phone.

* Shred financial documents and paperwork with personal information before discarding.

* If your Social Security or Medicare number appears on documents you receive in the mail, request that the number be blanked-out on further mailings.

* Check your credit report at least once a year. The law requires the major nationwide consumer reporting companies - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion - to give you a free copy of your credit report each year at your request. (Full text at

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