Wednesday, September 3, 2008

FTC Identity Theft Study: You Can Help

FTC Identity Theft Study: You Can Help

The Federal Trade Commission has announced a proposal for a consumer survey research project "to advance its understanding of the experiences of consumers who interact with consumer reporting agencies following an incident of identity theft."

Dallas, TX, August 29, 2008 --( The FTC and SPENDonLIFE need your help to fight identity theft, the fastest-growing consumer threat facing Americans today.

The Federal Trade Commission announced this week a proposal for a consumer survey research project "to advance its understanding of the experiences of consumers who interact with consumer reporting agencies following an incident of identity theft." The FTC hopes to use this information to aid in its future enforcement and education efforts.

Prior to gathering data, the FTC is seeking public comments on the proposed research, which must be filed by September 2, 2008. Written comments should refer to "Consumer Experiences with CRAs Research: FTC File No. P065405," and include this reference both in the text and on the envelope. The mailing address is:

Federal Trade Commission, Room H-135 (Annex J)
600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580.

If you are including any material for which you request confidential treatment, clearly label the document "Confidential."

If you prefer, electronic forms may be submitted at: You may also file a form through the website

All public comments will be available to the public on the FTC website, The FTC asks that any additional requests for information regarding this effort be addressed to Pavneet Singh or Anthony Rodriguez, Attorneys, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Mail Stop NJ-3158, Washington, DC 20580, or 202-326-2252.

Despite ongoing legislative efforts to combat identity theft crimes, they continue to plague America -- sapping financial resources, ravaging credit scores, and ruining the lives of innocent people. The information in this press release is brought to you by SPENDonLIFE and the FTC. The FTC is stepping up its efforts to fight ID theft, but they need your help to do it. For additional information about identity theft and your credit in general, visit

To learn more about Identity Theft and what to do if you are a victim, visit and subscribe to the newsletter to obtain your free 46 page eBook "Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the resource and information.

Child Identity Theft Does Happen

Identity Theft Shield Overview