Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cybercrime against Businesses Totals $867 million in 2005 (that's only of the respondents to this DOJ survey report)

Cybercrime against Businesses, 2005
By Ramona R. Rantala
BJS Statistician

Among 7,818 businesses that responded to the National Computer Security Survey, 67% detected at least onecybercrime in 2005 (table 1). Nearly 60% detected one or more types of cyber attack, 11% detected cyber theft, and 24% of the businesses detected other computer security incidents. Respondents, representing 36 economic industries, said they detected more than 22 million incidents ofcybercrime in 2005. The vast majority of cybercrimes (20 million incidents) were other computer security incidents,primarily spyware, adware, phishing, and spoofing. There were nearly 1.5 million computer virus infections and 126,000 cyber fraud incidents.

The effects of these crimes were measured in terms of monetary loss and system downtime. Ninety-one percent of the businesses providing information sustained one or both types of loss. The monetary loss for these businesses totaled $867 million in 2005. Cyber theft accounted for more than half of the loss ($450 million). Cyber attacks cost businesses $314 million. System downtime caused by cyber attacks and other computer security incidents totaled 323,900 hours. Computer viruses accounted for 193,000 hours and other computer security incidents resulted in more than 100,000 hours of system downtime.

...Computer virus infections were the most prevalent cybercrime among businesses in 2005
...86% of victimized businesses detected multiple incidents
...91% of businesses detecting cybercrime incurred losses
...Cybercrime resulted in monetary loss of $867 million among businesses responding to the survey

If this figure is from almost 8,000 respondents in the survey, can you imagine what the total is for all businesses which is over 7 million? I think I see a bailout plan option for the Feds.

...Insiders were involved in cyber theft for 74% of businesses in 2005
...Most businesses did not report cyber attacks to law enforcement authorities

The majority of businesses reported embezzlement (72%), fraud (63%), and theft of personal or financial data (60%). Few businesses reported theft of intellectual property (27%), any type of cyber attack (6%), or other computer security incidents (12%) to law enforcement officials.

Few businesses (3%) indicated that their decision not to report an incident to law enforcement was based on the possibility of negative publicity or decreased confidence in the business.

...Three-fifths of the businesses detecting cyber attacks reported that the Internet was involved
...Insufficient anti-virus software was the most prevalent vulnerability
...Businesses that outsourced all or part of their computer security had a greater prevalence of incidents
(Read the whole report by clicking here)

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