Friday, February 13, 2009

Heartland Data Breach - First Arrests Made

First Arrests Made -Three FL Suspects Arrested on Fraud Charges Tied to Heartland Breach

Three men in Florida were arrested earlier this week on multiple charges of credit card fraud, and some of the card numbers they allegedly used are tied to the Heartland hack.

The Leon County, FL. Sheriff's office arrested area residents Tony Acreus, Jeremy Frazier and Timothy Johns, who had allegedly used stolen credit card numbers since November, according to Sgt. Tony Drzewiecki, spokesman for the sheriff's office.

According to the Tallahassee, FL. Democrat, the suspects were running "a very sophisticated and complex criminal enterprise." Law enforcement is investigating how the three men were able to obtain credit card numbers from the Heartland breach, which was first announced on January 20.

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